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Cast into the same drum diameter than 1m

Created Date : 12/12/2011 | View : 8098

Cast into the same drum diameter than 1m

Artisans Phuoc Kieu Bronze Casting Village (Dien Phuong, H.Dien table, Quang Nam) yesterday officially completed the drum diameter 1.1 m. On the drums, in the middle of the 12 star-shaped wings, surrounded by the people, objects (pictures).

According to Duong Ngoc Thang artists, to complete this product, he has mobilized 35 workers of the village and cast using 160 kg of copper to cast in two months time. This is the largest drum of the village of Phuoc Kieu bronze casting ever. This product has been the company supplies medical equipment AMVGROUP (Hanoi) to purchase for $ 75 million.